Convert Paradox to Excel

with our secure online converter

Drag and drop your files here or click to upload.
You can specify multiple input files.

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Input file

Please upload the files of your Paradox database directory. The file extensions are: .DB (for table), .PX (for primary index), .MB (for memos), .VAL (for validation), .TV (for formatting) and others.

Max file size for web uploads: 50 GB

Output file

The API will return a ZIP archive of .XLSX files, one for each table in the set of input files. Since Excel has a limit of about one million rows, it could be that the rows are divided into several files.

How long does it take?

The conversion process takes between 15 seconds and multiple minutes. It depends on the size of the database.


Already 2,000+ satisfied customers with over 700,000+ databases successfully converted.

Conversion methods

Download the RebaseData client Java tool . To convert your database using RebaseData, run the following command:

java -jar client-0.0.5.jar convert --output-format=xlsx database-files.. output-dir/

Let's imagine we want to convert the EMPLOYEE table of the paradoxReader's sample files. We would have to upload all files starting with "EMPLOYEE", namely EMPLOYEE.DB, EMPLOYEE.F10, EMPLOYEE.PX and EMPLOYEE.VAL. The curl command would look like this:

curl -F 'files[]=@EMPLOYEE.DB' -F 'files[]=@EMPLOYEE.F10' -F 'files[]=@EMPLOYEE.PX' -F 'files[]=@EMPLOYEE.VAL' '' -o The file will contain a Excel file, one for each table in the set of input files. If something went wrong, contains the error message.
  • In case the database is encrypted, you can add the parameter password=value to the URL.

Why use RebaseData?

  • Strong security.
  • Works with Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Use an API to convert your databases.
  • Professional support.


  • We don't guarantee for the success or correctness of the conversion
  • You are only allowed to convert your own database files
  • By using RebaseData, you agree to our general terms